Saturday, September 02, 2006

A few stops on the WWW

Here are some links to some beneficial, or maybe just interesting web sites:

Gospel – following up on my previous post on “Getting the Gospel right,", here is a well crafted statement that I have referred to many times. The Gospel of Jesus Christ: an Evangelical Celebration

Becoming a man – When Chad Mahaney turned 13, his parents gave him an unusual, but very profitable gift... he received a notebook full of letters from godly men, encouraging Chad in specific ways to honor God with his life (here’s the link to the site where his mother explained this gift). One of the letters was published on the internet and I found it particularly insightful and encouraging to me at 35 years old. Here is a letter from David Powlison to Chad Mahaney on his 13th birthday.

World Trade Center – Cal Thomas promoting an Oliver Stone movie???? Here is Cal Thomas’ take on Oliver Stone’s movie that is currently out entitled World Trade Center.

Conversion – Is there a difference between the Christian way of evangelism and the Muslim way of proselytizing?? A believer comes with good news and lovingly proclaims it and urges belief... Islam, on the other hand...

Afraid to share Christ??Here’s a humorous video that walks through “eight reasons why I don’t share my faith.”


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