My firstborn son, Micah, turned 8 today. Eight years ago today, God's grace was very evident as Micah was born premature and weighed under 4 pounds. We thank God for this day in which we can recall the wonders of His kindness and love and celebrate the blessing Micah is to us.

Happy Birthday to Micah! We love you SO MUCH too! Thank you for sharing your special "chees-y" birthday dinner with Tessa. It means SO MUCH to our family to have your family in our lives! :) We love you all and your love and support is overwhelming at times - thank you for letting GOD use you to bless us! :) We are praising HIM right now that Dad is well, and today's appointments w/the heart Dr. seem well too - praying for a fun time away for you all and we will see you when you get home :)
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