Thursday, February 14, 2008

A meeting with God

Why I have scheduled a meeting with God this morning (and must do so the first thing every morning):
  • I am a desperate man with many responsibilities that I cannot do in my own strength or wisdom – I must run to Him to express my entire dependence on Him and trust Him for the day.
  • I am prone to wander away from God and His good ways into a deep jungle of self-reliance, sin, unbelief and pride (which ends up shaming Him and misery for me).
  • Spending time with God is a miraculous privilege that costs me nothing and provides me with joy and peace like nothing else.
  • The resources I have in God are exceedingly abundant and God loves to open His treasury for me to receive His resources; all other resources are utterly insignificant and will ultimately fail.
  • I get to meet with God, the King of the Ages, the One who is Holy and Righteous, all-wise and all-powerful!
  • There is no condemnation at this meeting… instead of it being a confrontational meeting, it is a meeting where I am reminded how deeply God loves me; instead of experiencing His wrath (which I deserve), I receive His tender care and affection (which I don’t deserve!!)
Can you add to this list??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, my friend, well said!

4:47 PM, February 17, 2008  

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