For many years I had trouble reading the book of Ezekiel. It starts out with this bizarre vision Ezekiel has of a vicious storm and fire in the clouds and gleaming metal and beasts and wheels in wheels spinning through the air. Trying to make sense of this vision left me perplexed and wondering what all the symbolism portrayed.
But greater than that is the constant judgment that you read of in this lengthy Old Testament prophecy. God is enraged and is pouring out His wrath on His own people showing little to no mercy. Truly it is frightening... and that is part of God's intention - His fury results in the king of Jerusalem mourning, the prince wrapped in despair, and the hands of the people of the land are paralyzed by fear (7:27).
What struck me is the fact that this wrath is completely righteous. When God is punishing or judging the people, He is doing so in perfect justice. This is not a rage that is unjust - God is not overreacting to the sins of His people. Several times we read that God is judging His people according to their ways: "According to their way I will do to them, and according to their judgments I will judge them..." (7:27).
They are giving a full account of their ways before a holy God. And when the "anguish comes, they will seek peace, but there shall be none." (7:25) All of this is absolutely fair. What they get, they fully deserved.
This is why everyone should read Ezekiel. God is just and righteous. There will be a reckoning. God will not let the guilty remain unpunished. And I, a sinner, completely covered in guilt, should face this fierce wrath of God and be justly punished for my sin. He should abandon me forever, removing all of His grace from me forever. The is a true picture of the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Ezekiel is a sobering book revealing the realities of sin and God's justice.
Yet, the gospel brings hope!! Ephesians 2 is a great passage showing that I am dead in my trespasses and sins (awaiting the full fury of God's wrath - John 3:36), BUT GOD, who is rich in mercy made me alive in Christ and seated me in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus!
The wonder of mercy. Undeserving, yet made righteous. Unworthy, yet adopted to be His son. Every cursing I deserve from God is absorbed in Christ, and now every spiritual blessing from Heaven is mine.