Sunday, April 26, 2009

An old one.... but a GOOD one

This is a bit dated... I read it here well over a year ago. They are questions you should regularly ask your children.

~ How are your devotions?
~ What is God teaching you?
~ In your own words, what is the gospel?
~ Is there a specific sin you’re aware of that you need my help defeating?
~ Are you more aware of my encouragement or my criticism?
~ What’s daddy most passionate about?
~ Do I act the same at church as I do when I’m at home?
~ Are you aware of my love for you?
~ Is there any way I’ve sinned against you that I’ve not repented of?
~ Do you have any observations for me?
~ How am I doing as a dad?
~ How have Sunday’s sermons impacted you?
~ Does my relationship with mom make you excited to be married?
~ (On top of these things, with my older kids, I’m always inquiring about their
relationship with their friends and making sure God and his gospel are the center of those relationship. And I look for every opportunity to praise their mother and increase their appreciation and love for her.)

May God give us good conversations with our children!

HT: Justin Taylor

Monday, April 13, 2009

An essential ingredient for spiritual growth

Paul Tripp:

Have you ever wondered why some Christians grow and some don’t?

Have you ever been discouraged or confused in your own relationship with God?

Have you ever wondered if other people go through the things you go through as a Christian?

Have you ever longed for someone who you could share your personal struggles and questions of faith with?

If someone asked you what the key to personal growth and change was what would you say it is?

Could it be that you’re a Christian but you’re missing an essential piece of the life God called you to. Real satisfaction of heart, real growth and change, real effectiveness and purpose is possible!

When most Christians think about growing in their faith, they sometimes leave out one of the most important means that God has provided; our friendships!

God unites us to Christ but also places us within a community of faith where we influence one another in profound ways.

HT: Life2gether

Friday, April 10, 2009

For you

To enhance your Good Friday (and Easter) experience, read this.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Jesus wants the rose

Our Great Savior:

Still stunned by the gospel!