Friday, December 12, 2008


I love being a dad.

Unfortunately, I make many mistakes. One of my greatest mistakes is not taking the time to improve. If I know I am deficient (which I do), what am I intentionally doing about it?? I could, and should spend more time strategizing, praying, evaluating, seeking advice, growing in my understanding, thinking through issues of fatherhood.

That is why I am glad when I come across a good and short article on parenting from a Biblical perspective. I can take a few minutes to read it and gather information that will help me improve.

Today, I found two such articles.
Russell Moore, "The Eschatology of Parenting"
A blurb:
A parent disciplining a child, for instance, communicates to the child the discipline and judgment of God in ways deeper and more resonant than any Sunday school lesson (Heb 12:5-11). A parent who will not discipline a child for disobedience, or who is inconsistent in doing so, is teaching that child not to expect consequences for behavior. In short, a parent who will not discipline is denying the doctrine of hell.

Matt and Elizabeth Schmucker, "39 Lessons, 20 tips, and 10 'don'ts' for parenting"
A blurb:
Lessons about ourselves: "Trickle down theory" – Mom's daily devotion naturally trickles down to encouragement and instruction in the Lord for the children.
Lessons about our children: Pack in truth while your children are little and trust the Lord to unpack it in his time.

I look forward to discussing these with Bobbi.