The evil in John Bunyan’s heart

Here’s what Bunyan writes:
“I find to this day seven abominations in my heart:
1. An inclination to unbelief,
2. Suddenly to forget the love and mercy that Christ manifests,
3. A leaning to the works of the law,
4. Wanderings and coldness in prayer,
5. To forget to watch for what I pray for,
6. Aptness to murmur because I have no more, an yet ready to abuse what I have, and
7. I can do none of these things that God commands me without my corruptions thrusting themselves in. “I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who will to do good” (Romans 7:21).
Why did Bunyan confess these “evils” in his heart? So that he could relate the goodness of God even in these.
Bunyan continues:
“These things I continually see and feel, and am afflicted and oppressed with, yet the wisdom of God does order them for my good:
1. They make me abhor myself;
2. They keep me from trusting my heart;
3. They convince me of the insufficiency of all inherent righteousness;
4. They show me the necessity of flying to Jesus;
5. They press me to pray to God;
6. They show me the need I have to watch and be sober; and
7. They provoke me to pray unto God, through Christ, to help me and carry me through the world.
May God’s grace in all things be my hope, joy, confidence, and motive to fight the fight of faith.
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