A schizophrenic God

It's a great little book that teaches children solid theology. I highly recommend it. Even Emmaleigh, who is four, is able to recite the answers to the questions (though she doesn't quite understand the answers yet).
I asked them a new question that we had not gone over yet, and I waited to see what their answers might be. The question was:
"How many Gods are there?"
We have taught the kids something of the nature of the trinity before, and so they were trying to explain the three in one God. One of my children confidently gave the following answer:
"Actually, there's one God and He has three guys in His head."
Bobbi and I had a good, long laugh, but were also impressed with how a child processes such a mystery as the "Godhead".
Update: At the risk of being an all-too-proud-of-his-kids father... the question we're working on now is Who are the persons (in the Trinity)? Today's answer (from a child who will remain unnamed): "The Father, Son, and Holy Secret". Watch out for those Buckley's - their starting up some sort of new and weird religion.