Family Life Today, a Christian radio program that deals with family issues (hence, the title), has encouraged families to fast from television for the month of August. Our family has done something like this in the past, and are going to do it again in August.
Why? It certainly has nothing to do with fitting in with the Christian sub-culture, because we have felt guilted into doing it, or some other baseless motive. I came up with four reasons for why we are going to fast from television (and perhaps should get rid of it altogether). I'll lay out my reasons in four installments.
The first reason we are shutting off the television in August is because I am desirous for myself and my family to live out Paul's example... he said, "I will not be enslaved by anythingā€¯ (1 Cor 6.12). The apostle said this immediately after saying (or rather, quoting) "all things are lawful for me." That means we know that it is lawful or acceptable to hunt, play sports, read novels, and even watch television. But if any of those things begins to dominate in my life , then I have become enslaved to it, and that thing becomes the master.
I know myself and how easily television can become a master. When I am home at night after a long day, it is easy for the television to dominate. Television can become a necessity for my contenment and satisfaction - particularly in the evening.
There was a time about four years ago that we moved and did not have television for awhile. I learned during that time that I had become enslaved to television. I went through television withdrawal. I would be discontent in the evening; bored, irritable, fidgety. I always thought I was a responsible telvision viewer. I thought I had it under control. I would only watch in moderation. Certainly I could stop if I really wanted. Well... I guess I had to humble myself, stand up in front of the group, and say, "My name is David Buckley, and I am a televisionaholic."
Oh, how easy my heart can be deceived! How easy it is to justify my actions, to slip into a habit without any consideration.
And, by sinful genetics, my children have all developed a taste for television. I hear it in their objections to my command to turn off the television. Without the correction and guidance of Bobbi and I, my children would watch hours of television. And we do carefully watch over our children's television habits, limiting the amount of time they can watch and carefully screening the content of their viewing. Yet even with restrictions, they can find television to be their master. I don't watch much television, but it can still dominate.
And so, to test the affections and loyalties of our family, and ensure that we will not be enslaved by anything, the television will be put up during the month of August.